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Старый 04.04.2013, 05:12
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[QUOTE=yanik;40832]Отправление межзвездных радиопосланий с Земли - для чего и кому? Зачем передавать сообщения, если "они" ответят на него в лучшем случае не через один десяток лет? О языке межзвездных радиопосланий, звездах-адресатах и парадоксе Ферми - астрономы Лилия Филиппова и Александр Зайцев.
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Старый 12.05.2013, 17:38
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НАСА обещает эру низкоэнергетического термояда
Опубликовано ssu-filippov в 14 декабря, 2011 - 00:42 [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи]

В ходе недавней презентации специалисты НАСА рассказали об эпохальных изменениях, которые сулит человечеству технология низкоэнергетической ядерной реакции (LENR).
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Старый 12.05.2013, 17:42
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Exclamation The nuclear reactor in your basement

February 13, 2013

By Bob Silberg,
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

How would you like to replace your water heater with a nuclear reactor? That’s what Joseph Zawodny, a senior scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center, hopes to help bring about. It would tap the enormous power of the atom to provide hot water for your bath, warm air for your furnace system, and more than enough electricity to run your house and, of course, your electric car.

If your thoughts have raced to Fukushima or Three Mile Island or Chernobyl, let me reassure you. Zawodny is not suggesting that you put that kind of reactor in your house. What he has in mind is a generator that employs a process called Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions. (The same process is sometimes called Lattice Energy Nuclear Reactions. We’ll just call it LENR.)

So what is LENR and how might it one day fill all your energy needs without risk of blowing up, melting down, or irradiating the neighbors? [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи]
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Последний раз редактировалось yanik; 12.05.2013 в 17:49.
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Старый 12.05.2013, 17:55
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Exclamation NASA Expect Low-Energy Nuclear Reactors to Replace Domestic Boilers

[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи] By James Burgess | Mon, 25 February 2013 22:31

NASA has suggested that household hot water boilers could soon be replaced by small nuclear reactors. They do not refer to nuclear fission reactors, used in traditional power plants; nor nuclear fusion reactors, eagerly researched and regarded as a hugely powerful source of energy for the future; instead they believe that low-energy nuclear reactors (LENR) will be used.

Joseph Zawodny, a senior research analyst with NASA’s Langley Research Centre, spoke of the LENR device and said that “it has the demonstrated ability to produce excess amounts of energy, cleanly, without hazardous ionizing radiation, without producing nasty waste.

The easiest implementation of this would be for the home. You would have a unit that would replace your water heater. And you would have some sort of cycle to derive electrical energy from that.”

Related article: Who will Pay for Nuclear Power Plant Cleanup?

NASA’s LENR device fires a slow moving neutron into the element nickel. Upon absorbing the extra neutron the nickel becomes unstable causing the neutron to split into an electron and proton, and reverting to a stable state.

Bob Silberg, from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, wrote that “where it once had an extra neutron, making it an unstable isotope of whatever element it was, it now has an extra proton instead, which makes it a more stable isotope of a different element (copper). This process releases energy which, hypothetically, can be used to generate electricity.”

The LENR reactor would replace the boiler in a house and heat the water directly. An extra system could then be added to use the heat to produce electricity.

Research has also suggested that carbon could be used instead of nickel, and that it would be turned into nitrogen. Zawodny stated, “I don’t know what could possibly be cleaner than that. You’re not sequestering carbon, you’re totally removing carbon from the system.”

By. James Burges of Oilprice.com
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Старый 12.05.2013, 18:02
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Lightbulb What is LENR?

Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) is a new, 3rd type of nuclear reaction (along with fission and fusion) that was originally discovered in 1989 by scientists Fleischmann & Pons and called “cold fusion”. LENR is similar to, but believed to be different than cold fusion, although that may remain the common name. LENR has also been called LANR, Fleischmann/Pons Effect, Anomalous Heat Effect, Quantum Fusion, CECR, LENT.

LENR has been shown to be far stronger than any known chemical reaction and up to 20,000,000 times the power density of today’s combustion energy processes. The LENR process can continually create large amounts of excess heat in a small sized reactor for several months using small amounts of low cost fuel and producing no harmful CO2 or nuclear byproducts beyond that of a microwave oven.

LENR replications have been increasing in sustained power gain since the original experiments in 1989 which used Palladium and Deuterium electrolysis. Newer LENR systems use processed Nickel and Hydrogen gas to achieve higher power gains, which appear to now be approaching commercial heat/electrical power generating levels.

Commercial LENR energy generation, when it arrives, may be a near perfect energy source that will have profound changes globally. [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи]
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Старый 12.05.2013, 18:08
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Lightbulb Defkalion: “We’re not selling products, we sell technology”

[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи] Sterling Allan of the Pure Energy Systems network follows multiple types of new energy technologies, including cold fusion.

Last year he traveled to Greece to check on the progress of Defkalion Green Technologies Hyperion steam-generator, a prototype commercial product based on low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) that utilizes nickel and light hydrogen.

Recently, Allan interviewed Defkalion‘s CEO Alex Xanthoulis and Director of Communication and Business Development Symeon Tsalikoglou on developments since moving their headquarters to Vancouver, B.C.

While the Hyperion domestic unit has been “put on the back burner”, Defkalion has been approached by hundreds of companies wanting to license their technology for various products. The company has narrowed those proposals down to 20 which they will pursue.

“They let the professionals in the industry work out the details of fitting the technology to the myriad of applications out there,” writes Allan.

One of the applications cited is shipping. “A large cargo ship (18,000 to 20,000 tons) can go through $20,000 worth of fuel each day, but with Defkalion’s technology, those costs would go down to $500/day — a 40-fold reduction in price.”

Savings on fuel costs, weight, space, and time (since ships won’t have to stop and refuel as often) are all benefits of this technology. No fossil fuels on board mean no nasty spills either.

Another high-priority project is replacing the dirty and dangerous radioactive fuel rods in today’s nuclear power plants with clean cold fusion steam generators. “The price for a retrofitted nuclear plant will be 12 times lower than what they presently operate at,” producing power at $0.35 per kilowatt-hour.

Eventually, home units will be available, and the energy cost for this off-grid technology “is expected to be less than $300 for six months, for a 550 square meter (6000 ft2) home” with the charge lasting six months.

Allan writes, “One US Company tested the Defkalion technology for about six months and reported that there was no harmful radiation emitted whatsoever (they thoroughly tested the full spectrum), and that only some gamma rays are emitted during the reaction — but no more than you get from a household toaster — well within safety limits. And sometimes, it doesn’t even emit any harmless gamma radiation while it is operating — puzzling the scientists who haven’t yet figured that one out, who think that with every transmutation event there should be a gamma emission.”

Currently, their demonstration model generates 5 kilowatts of thermal energy and it is claimed that one unit has been operating for 8 months.
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Старый 12.05.2013, 18:11
Аватар для yanik
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ECAT.com – The Official Website of Andrea Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer, E-Cat
Cold fusion is a subject that has been debated for many years, but what used to be a discussion about research has now moved on to the next level where products based on cold fusion technology are at the centre. Many consider the term LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) to be a more appropriate description of the physical reaction which is producing the excess energy observed by a large number of independent researchers and scientists.
This physical phenomenon has been observed for decades, yet in small quantities of Watts, but it is not until now that continuous and stable output of several kilowatts have been successfully generated. Andrea Rossi is the man behind the final leap. It took him almost 18 years to develop the Energy Catalyzer (E-CAT), a device which produces excess heat and which will be the core of a new product range in the energy sector. With a completely green technology leaving neither toxic nor radioactive waste, Rossi’s ECAT has the potential to be the solution to the global energy problem. During 2011/2012, ECAT.com will collect pre-orders and provide answers to inquires from potential customers. Due to the high expected demand for ECAT products, orders will be put on a waiting list and delivery is scheduled for 2012/2013 (depending on product).
E-CAT is a product of Leonardo Corporation
1331 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, Florida-33139
USA [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи]
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Старый 12.05.2013, 18:14
Аватар для yanik
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ECAT Products

ECAT.com now accepts sign-ups for pre-orders for the following products:

ECAT 1 MW units, current price $1,5M (For sale now, 4 months delivery)
ECAT 10kW Home units (depending on certification, waiting list available now)

The fuel cost will be negligible. Check out the ECAT energy cost calculator to determine the costs and savings of a customized ECAT solution for your home or business.

Technical specification of the ECAT 1 MW unit can be found in the menu on the left. The design and functionality is in rapid evolution at the moment which means that there will be regularly updates in the specifications of the products. As a registered customer you will be kept up to date with the latest technical advances as they happen.

The sign-up is not binding and no payment will be necessary until a final order is agreed upon. Pre-order sign-up customers will be prioritized when the first generation of products is rolled out.
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Старый 12.05.2013, 18:23
Аватар для yanik
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ECAT Home Units

ECAT Home Units [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи]

Home ECAT-units will not be available until fully certified. This is due to rigid testing, certification and regulation procedures. The 3D-rendering below is a hypothetical image of how the 10kW home unit could look like for domestic use.

If you are interested in knowing more about this green, clean and safe energy device for your home, please use our contact form on the right to sign up for the pre-order waiting list.

The sign-up list is non-binding which means that you will be prioritized for delivery once the product is rolled out – but you are in no way committed to buy the product. An email with full specification, terms of delivery and maintenance together with the exact price will be sent out to all people on the list once the product has reached the necessary mature stage. You can then choose to decline or accept to place the real order. Placed orders are serviced in accordance with your number on the waiting list for the chosen country. Disclaimer: not all countries will be available for delivery in the first product launch. Each country has its own rules and regulations and no guarantees for delivery to all countries can be given at this time.

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Старый 12.05.2013, 18:30
Аватар для yanik
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Lightbulb Генератор Андреа Росси - "домашний ядерный реактр"

Энергогенератор, созданный скандально известным изобретателем Андреа Росси, ждет получения лицензии и начала коммерческого распространения под маркой ECAT. По сообщениям разработчиков технологии ECAT, первый LENR-генератор для домашнего пользования будет доступен уже в 2012-2013 годах – после прохождения сертификации. Скорее всего, это будет компактный (размером с два принтера) блок мощностью около 10 кВт, который сможет снабжать жилище дешевым теплом.

Поначалу Андреа Росси назвал свою технологию холодным ядерным синтезом, в котором в качестве топлива выступает никель. Из-за этих «звучных» слов многие ученые сочли Росси шарлатаном, поскольку к холодному ядерному синтезу сегодня относятся скептически. Технология Росси на самом деле является низкоэнергетической ядерной реакцией (LENR), в которой никель сливается с водородом и трансмутирует в медь. Это экзотермический (с выделением тепла) ядерный процесс высвобождает энергию около 10 мегаэлектронвольт, что намного больше энергии, выделяемой в процессе сжигания водорода – 1,5 электронвольт. Таким образом, технология ECAT может производить более чем в миллион раз больше энергии, чем самые энергоэффективные химические процессы. При этом обилие никеля в земной коре делает ECAT одним из самых дешевых источников энергии, который, к тому же, не загрязняет окружающую среду.
Как сообщают разработчики технологии ECAT, первый LENR-генератор для домашнего пользования будет доступен уже в 2012-2013 годах – после прохождения сертификации. Скорее всего, это будет компактный (размером с два принтера) блок мощностью около 10 кВт, который сможет снабжать жилище дешевым теплом. 17 окт. 2012 [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи]

P.S. Российская википедия талдычит о "неакадемическом направлении исследований.", в то время как в остальной вики все на полном серьезе.
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Старый 03.07.2013, 15:52
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Старый 29.01.2014, 02:28
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Загадки темной материи / The Mystery of Dark Matter

Производство: ARTE France, CNRS Images, CEA

Жанр: ДОКУМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ / Вселенная / Наука/Технологии / Люди

Страна: Франция

Год выхода: 2008

Режиссер: Сесиль Данжан

Песок, вода, Солнце - всё во вселенной состоит из атомов. Мы в этом уверены, нас этому научили в школе, но это лишь первый шаг. За его пределами остается огромное пространство, которое ещё только предстоит исследовать. Оно создано совсем иначе, по другим принципам. Современная наука бьется над загадкой, разрушающей наше убеждение. В космосе есть что-то еще, другая реальность, которую мы начинаем открывать для себя. Большая часть вселенной состоит из материала, который мы пока не понимаем. На самом деле атомы составляют только 5% вселенной, остальное для нас пока загадка и 95% вселенной ещё предстоит изучать. Ученые знают, что это не атомы, но незнают что это. Ученые всего мира выслеживают эту материю в небесах, под землей и в космосе, но чем совершенней становятся инструменты измерения, тем глубже мы осознаем меру своего незнания. Почему же астрофизики убеждены в существовании этой загадочной невидимой материи?

Время: 54 мин 34 сек

Добавлено: 27/01/2014 [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи]
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Старый 18.02.2014, 19:06
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Холодный ядерный синтез...

Published on Feb 9, 2013
С помощью холодного ядерного синтеза можно сделать из воды- золото! Но об этом стараются не распространяться по понятным причинам.
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Старый 13.03.2014, 05:13
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Exclamation Every Black Hole Contains a New Universe

A physicist presents a solution to present-day cosmic mysteries.
Originally published: May 17 2012 - 1:15pm
By: Nikodem Poplawski, Inside Science Minds Guest Columnist
Inside Science Minds presents an ongoing series of guest columnists and personal perspectives presented by scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and others in the science community showcasing some of the most interesting ideas in science today.

(ISM) -- Our universe may exist inside a black hole. This may sound strange, but it could actually be the best explanation of how the universe began, and what we observe today. It's a theory that has been explored over the past few decades by a small group of physicists including myself.

Successful as it is, there are notable unsolved questions with the standard big bang theory, which suggests that the universe began as a seemingly impossible "singularity," an infinitely small point containing an infinitely high concentration of matter, expanding in size to what we observe today. The theory of inflation, a super-fast expansion of space proposed in recent decades, fills in many important details, such as why slight lumps in the concentration of matter in the early universe coalesced into large celestial bodies such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies. [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи]
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Старый 13.03.2014, 05:25
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2 August 2006
A radical new project could permit human beings to create a "baby universe" in a laboratory in Japan. While it sounds like a dangerous undertaking, the physicists involved believe that if the project is successful, the space-time around a tiny point within our universe will be distorted in such a way that it will begin to form a new superfluid space, and eventually break off, separate in all respects from our experience of space and time, causing no harm to the fabric of our universe.

The project takes as its starting point two basic theories about the foundations of our universe: the big bang and inflation theory. The big bang theory, as many readers are well aware, observes that all objects in the known universe appear to be moving away from one another, suggesting that the universe was jump-started when all matter and energy were concentrated in an inconceivably tiny space, allowing them to overcome binding forces and causing a cosmic explosion. [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи]
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