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Маркетинг безумия / The Marketing of Madness (2009)
Фармацевтическая промышленность выросла до ужасных размеров, производство психотропных препаратов идет гигантскими темпами и это объясняется повышенным спросом на лекарства. И это вовсе не связано с тем, что люди поголовно сходят с ума. Все объясняется заговором между фармацевтами и психиатрами: одни производили много лекарств, а другие штамповали новых больных, тем самым расширяя рынок сбыта. Стоит ли дальше доверять врачам? [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи] The Marketing of Madness is the definitive documentary on the psychiatric drugging industry. Here is the real story of the high income partnership between psychiatry and drug companies that has created an $80 billion psychotropic drug profit centre.
But appearances are deceiving. How valid are psychiatrists’ diagnoses – and how safe are their drugs? Digging deep beneath the corporate veneer, this three-part documentary exposes the truth behind the slick marketing schemes and scientific deceit that conceal dangerous and often deadly sales campaigns. In this film you'll discover that... Many of the drugs side effects may actually make your ‘mental illness’ worse. Psychiatric drugs can induce aggression or depression. Some psychotropic drugs prescribed to children are more addictive than cocaine. Psychiatric diagnoses appears to be based on dubious science. Of the 297 mental disorders contained with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, none can be objectively measured by pathological tests. Mental illness symptoms within this manual are arbitrarily assigned by a subjective voting system in a psychiatric panel. It is estimated that 100 million people globally use psychotropic drugs. The Marketing of Madness exposes the real insanity in our psychiatric ‘health care’ system: profit-driven drug marketing at the expense of human rights. This film plunges into an industry corrupted by corporate greed and delivers a shocking warning from courageous experts who value public health over dollar.
."Я благословлю благословляющих тебя, а проклинающих тебя Я прокляну"(Берешит 12 Лех леха 3) Последний раз редактировалось yanik; 19.10.2014 в 20:39. |
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