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кот 21.02.2012 07:58


ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ ПИТАНИЕ :Прочитав книгу Герсона «Лечение рака», я понял, что этот человек глубоко... ОШИБАЕТСЯ!!!
Яша! Никто, нигде, никогда не излечился от онкологии "правильным" питанием-диетой.
Против природы не попрёшь! И бояться не стоит.
Яша! Мы же тоже заняли чьё-то место под солнцем? Так что имей совесть - освободи своему родственнику (внуку или внучке) своё место для продолжения рода. И не путайся под ногами у молодёжи!!!

yanik 21.02.2012 18:35


Сообщение от кот (Сообщение 40458)
Яша! Никто, нигде, никогда не излечился от онкологии "правильным" питанием-диетой.
Против природы не попрёшь! И бояться не стоит.
Яша! Мы же тоже заняли чьё-то место под солнцем? Так что имей совесть - освободи своему родственнику (внуку или внучке) своё место для продолжения рода. И не путайся под ногами у молодёжи!!!

Кот,а как насчет статистики!? Ведь в начале 20-го века рак был у примерно одного на 10 человек,а на сегодняшний день у одного из 3-х!Да и сами ученые признают то,что разные искусственные вещества обладают свойством вызывать раковые опухоли...Очень жаль,что вы не можете посмотреть вышеизложенные док. фильмы,в которых показывают людей,которым доктора выдали смертный приговор,но они сумели излечиться нетрадиционными методами!Химия,радиация и операции по вырезанию опухолей,как правило, не работают!

кот 22.02.2012 08:33


...начале 20-го века рак был у примерно одного на 10 человек
В начале 20 века продолжительность жизни была меньше. До заболевания попросту не доживали. Онкология проявляется в основном после 50 лет.

кот 22.02.2012 08:35


...а на сегодняшний день у одного из 3-х!
Неправильные числа статистики. Более правильно 3 человека из 10.000. В крайнем случае 3 из 1.000.

кот 22.02.2012 08:38


Да и сами ученые признают то,что разные искусственные вещества обладают свойством вызывать раковые опухоли...
Но не все искусственные вещества обладают канцерогенным свойством.

yanik 22.02.2012 19:04

Из жителей США каждый третий болеет раком. Каждый пятый австралиец, по статистике, умирает от рака. Я не запугиваю вас: это общепризнанный факт. Готовы ли вы учесть это грозное предупреждение и так изменить свой образ жизни, чтобы болезнь была вам не страшна? TYT: http://www.toptrening.ru/articles/390/

кот 22.02.2012 21:06


Из жителей США каждый третий болеет раком.
Ув. Яков!Ну никак не могу поверить, что каждый третий житель Штатов болеет онкологией.

yanik 22.02.2012 23:21


Сообщение от кот (Сообщение 40465)
Ув. Яков!Ну никак не могу поверить, что каждый третий житель Штатов болеет онкологией.

Кот!Вот статья из Нью-Йорк таймс.Почитаите сами... http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/11/health/11cancer.html Просто странно что вы не знаете этих грустных фактов житья на Западе ....

кот 23.02.2012 08:15


Сообщение от yanik (Сообщение 40466)
Кот!Вот статья из Нью-Йорк таймс.Почитаите сами... http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/11/health/11cancer.html Просто странно что вы не знаете этих грустных фактов житья на Западе ....

Кое-как прочёл с помощью ПРОМТа. Печально, если действительно всё так.

yanik 24.02.2012 00:47


Сообщение от кот (Сообщение 40469)
Кое-как прочёл с помощью ПРОМТа. Печально, если действительно всё так.

Кот,я покажу для наглядности ,на примере семьи моей жены: в конце 80-х тут умирает один из ее дядей вместе с женой от рака ,ихний сын чудом вылечиваеться и жив до сих пор!Потом,в уже 1997 в году умирает ее тетя так-же от рака кишечника.ее муж переживает ее на полтора года и умирает от рака мозга.Практически параллельно в Израиле другой ее дядя делает операцию на голосовые связки (рак горла),потом приезжает к нам ,разговаривая уже через машинку.В 2005 году умирает отец моей жены из-за проблем с сердцем и глубокой депрессии,а в 2006 году ,после пересадки почки ,купленной за двести тысяч долларов погибает другой дядя моей жены из-за инфекции в крови и от рака кишечника....Может кого и позабыл,не знаю.....Вот так и живем,Кот!...)))

кот 24.02.2012 08:21


....на примере семьи моей жены:
Может, это наследственное заболевание по линии жены? В твоём роду вроде всё нормально, все живы!

yanik 24.02.2012 16:43


Сообщение от кот (Сообщение 40471)
Может, это наследственное заболевание по линии жены? В твоём роду вроде всё нормально, все живы!

У нас,слава Богу ,не так страшно!Но у нас не так много людей в семье... Тетя мамы умерла от рака кишечника в 1973,муж пережил ее на года 2 и умер в кремлевской больнице от рака мозга.У родной сестры мамы (в Бобруйске) ,в 1989 году обнаружели рак кишечника,оперировать отказались,тут,в Америке сделали ей операцию в 1991 и в 2005 повторно!У мамы вырезали раковый полип из кишечника в 2002... Кот,на прошлой неделе я был у клиента, у которого в течение 2-х лет умерла вся семья!Сначала умерла жена от рака грудей,потом умер 35 -летний сын(так-же от рака),а потом умерла и теща (и вы уже знаете от какой болезни).В стране ходит анекдот: на среднего американца одно яйцо и одна грудь...)))Да,вот забыл еще добавить: к нам раз неделю приходила убираться одна нелегалка из Израиля в возврасте 53-лет.(сама из Баку).Вот уже пол года как ее лечат бесплатно радиацией и химиотерапией от рака легких,но пока становиться ей только хуже,уже появились метастазы ,спать от страшных болей не может,до того дошла,что даже что-то себе сготовить поесть уже не может.Я ее стал расспрашивать,там так-же многие поумирали от рака....А ее 90 летняя безграмотная мама,прожившая всю жизнь в каком-то ауле на хлебе и воде живет и процветает!

yanik 24.02.2012 17:22

Кот,так-же обратите внимание на небольшой ,но интересный факт: одним из ПЕРВЫХ гос. указов от Обамы был приказ о немедленной постройке биологически чистого огорода для нужд Президента и его семьи!Огород находиться в нескольких метрах по Белого Дома...)))
Моей сестре в Балтиморе во дворе своего дома на участке запретили выращивать овощи. Только цветы.

yanik 26.02.2012 03:16

Психиатрия: Индустрия смерти
Психиатры утверждают, что более миллиарда человек на планете психически больны. За последние 30 лет они выписали психиатрические препараты 543 миллионам человек и прямо сейчас они сажают 17 миллионов школьников на стимуляторы и антидепрессанты. Людей принудительно лечат даже без их согласия. Психиатры зарабатывают на этом миллиарды и миллиарды...

Фильм рассказывает об истории возникновения, развитии и сегодняшнем дна одной из самых удачных всемирных афёр под названием «Психиатрия». Рассматривается история становления психиатрии как науки. Средние века, Новое время, эпоха нацизма, тоталитарный режим в СССР, современная американская психиатрия. Психиатры уверены, что каждый человек психически болен. Вы курите слишком много — это болезнь, вы несчастны — это болезнь, вы худы — это болезнь, вы полны — это болезнь. Откуда это всё берётся? Из воображения психиатров, выдумывающих всё это. Они записывают это, публикуют под своими именами. Так возникают болезни. Это не наука, это её симуляция. Ничего полезного не делается, но за это выставляют счета.

С выводами авторов фильма можно спорить, но факты представлены очень серьёзные и большинству широкой публики неизвестные. К примеру снятые на киноплёнку опыты над детьми, которые проводил известный академик Павлов (тот самый, который вырабатывал условный рефлекс у собак). Эксперименты над людьми, лоботомия, жестокие методы «лечения» — это факты. И истерическая реакция различных психиатрических ассоциаций по всему миру (в том числе и в России) на этот фильм лишнее тому подтверждение.

yanik 26.02.2012 18:31

Dental Care: A Natural Approach (Gary Null)
In this documentary, you will learn about important dental problems and solutions with maintenance suggestions for optimal dental health. Healthcare professionals, specializing in their fields, share documented information covering key issues such as:

• Mercury Amalgams: Diseases and symptoms linked to mercury toxicity. How to safely remove and replace mercury amalgam fillings.
• Nutrition: Vitamins, minerals, juices and methods of obtaining a more healthful dental condition. Learn how the mouth can be a barometer for the bodies health.
• Root Canals: What problems to avoid, prevent and how to resolve adverse conditions.
• Fluoride: The carcinogenic and immunosuppressant side effects.
How it can be toxic to you and the environment.
• How to have healthier, brighter teeth and much more. http://www.iamplify.com/store/produc...roduct_id/4321

yanik 26.02.2012 18:33

Detoxification: A Natural Approach
Many of the major diseases and illnesses of today begin or accelerate when toxins build up in the body. We live in a virtual sea of pollutants. The municipal water supply is filled with toxins, viruses, bacteria, solvents, and parasites. Our air is equally contaminated and our food is a major contributor to our ill health. Fortunately, there are positive answers to these negative realities - It is called Detoxification. We now know how to identify the culprits, cleanse the system, and repair the accumulative effects so we can live a healthier life.

In this comprehensive two hour presentation you will learn the natural, user friendly, non-toxic therapies from juicing to herbs, from healing tonics to colonics. This is the complete guide to purifying your body.

Gary Null, an internationally respected author, lecturer, and advocate of natural and alternative health practices, highlights various modalities that can help you live a healthier, more vibrant life. http://www.iamplify.com/gary-null/pr...roduct_id/4325

yanik 26.02.2012 18:38

Allergies: A Natural Approach
Learn the causes of allergies and how symptoms can be eliminated through optimal nutrition, body detoxification, mineral balancing and other proven modalities.

Allergies A Natural Approach offers comprehensive solutions to chemical and food sensitivities which bring the body back into balance. With the information in this video, learn to moderate or even eliminate your allergic reactions, naturally and without drugs.

yanik 26.02.2012 18:40

Am I normal when I feel negative emotions? What can I do to tame my inner beast? In this in-depth, original film, we learn that negative emotions are within us for specific reasons; Gary Null and his panel of carefully selected experts explain why these emotions are important, and how we can start to express them in a healthy way, not in a destructive one.

In this self-empowerment film, we learn how to answer the following difficult questions for ourselves: What happens if I hold on to my unexpressed anger? What are my personal triggers, and how do I stop myself from expressing anger in a way that hurts others? How do I manage road rage? How do I begin to comprehend frightening uncertainties like terrorism and natural disasters? How should I interact with rude people? How do I normalize my emotions and ground myself? How do I keep from absorbing other people's negative energy-their anger, frustration, and resentment?

Please join us in watching this enlightening film, as Gary Null teaches us about Taming the Beast Within.

yanik 26.02.2012 20:56

Гари Нулл-yandex video

кот 27.02.2012 07:33


Сообщение от yanik (Сообщение 40485)

Яша, вылаживай на русском языке.

yanik 30.04.2012 02:56

terapia Gersona
Терапия Герсона (рус. субтитры)

yanik 01.05.2012 06:01

Max Gerson Therapy - The Beautiful Truth - Full Length
The Beautiful Truth

'' Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of the farm animals. After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett's father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposed a direct link between diet and a cure for cancer. Fascinated, Garrett embarks in this documentary on a cross-country road trip to investigate The Gerson Therapy. He meets with scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who reveal how it is in the best interest of the multi-billion dollar medical industry to dismiss the notion of alternative and natural cures.''

Natural Therapy for Cancer and Other Chronic Disease That really works!


'' Garrett is a 15-year old boy living in the Alaskan
wilderness with a menagerie of orphaned animals. Growing
up close with nature has given him a deep understanding
of nutritional needs required by diet sensitive animals on
the reserve. Unfortunately, the untimely and tragic death of
his mother propelled him into a downward spiral and he
risked flunking out of school. This led to his father's
decision to home-school Garrett. His first assignment was
to study a controversial book written over 50 years ago by
Dr. Max Gerson.

Dr. Gerson found that diet could, and did, cure cancer.
Gerson's pioneering theories were controversial at the
time (and even today), but Garrett took on the challenge of
researching this amazing therapy, drawing the interest of
his neighbors in the small Alaskan community. With the
help of Dr. Gerson's daughter, Charlotte Gerson, and
grandson, Howard Straus, who gave him the ammunition
needed to go in search for the truth -- Garrett brought
home a truth that would affect not only him, but his entire
Alaskan village -- all of whom wanted to know if these
claims were true.''

Must see: http://youtu.be/V9hsZiabwzU

yanik 01.05.2012 06:11

Max Gerson Therapy - Dying To Have Known - Full Length
Dying To Have Known

'' In DYING TO HAVE KNOWN, filmmaker Steve Kroschel went on a 52-day journey to find evidence to the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy — a long-suppressed natural cancer cure. His travels take him across both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, from upstate New York to San Diego to Alaska, from Japan and Holland to Spain and Mexico. In the end, he presents the testimonies of patients, scientists, surgeons and nutritionists who testify to the therapy's efficacy in curing cancer and other degenerative diseases, and presents the hard scientific proof to back up their claims. You will hear from a Japanese medical school professor who cured himself of liver cancer over 15 years ago, a lymphoma patient who was diagnosed as terminal over 50 years ago as well as noted critics of this world-renowned healing method who dismiss it out of hand as "pure quackery." So the question that remains is, "Why is this powerful curative therapy still suppressed, more than 75 years after it was clearly proven to cure degenerative disease?" The viewers are left to decide for themselves. ''

-some related links..

'' There are a number of excellant documentaries on the subject of natural cancer treatment. One of the better ones I've seen, is a movie called, "Dying To Have Known".

Filmaker Stephen Kroschel was awarded "Honorable Mention" in the "Feature-Length Documentary" Category, 2006, New York International Independent Film and Video Festival, for his efforts.

The initial stimulation for tackling this project, came to Stephen Kroschel through an earlier statement by Charlotte Gerson (daughter of the famous Dr. Max Gerson) when she said ... "It is a scientifically verifiable fact, that the Gerson Therapy cures cancer as well as almost every other chronic, degenerative disease"

Kroschel could not fully accept
that statement by Charlotte Gerson,
without first doing further research, himself. ''

yanik 01.05.2012 06:51

Eustace Mullins - Murder by Injection (Full Length)
Eustace Mullins (1923-2010), discusses one of his best-selling books; 'Murder by Injection' exposing the unholy dynasty of the big drug companies, the medical establishment, the Rockefeller syndicate and the evils of the cut-slash-and-burn cancer racket that has killed millions in the name of 'fighting cancer.'

Mullins beat the cancer doctors by resorting to alternative therapies not approved by the medical elite, so the author is speaking from real experience.

While there are many books on the corruption of modern medicine, there is no other book out there that so effectively tells the whole story as does this seminal volume, laying bare the criminal machinations of those who profit in the name of "promoting good health." The federal bureaucracy that ostensibly "regulates" the big drug companies is all part and parcel of the problem.


MP3 Archives: http://www.archive.org/details/Eusta...hives1923-2010

yanik 01.05.2012 18:13

Chemotherapy is a Waste of Money

yanik 01.05.2012 18:20

How Diet Can Eliminate Candida Overgrowth
http://www.ihealthtube.com Author and nutritionist Ann Boroch talks about how diet can help eliminate candida overgrowth, and in turn, take care of a number of other conditions candida causes.

Larry 06.05.2012 16:58

Флуконазол- единственное действующее средство против молочницы... остальное-ерунда!

yanik 10.05.2012 01:52

The Marketing of Madness (1/18)
The Marketing of Madness:
Are We All Insane?

Documenting the impact of a multibillion dollar psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry, this powerful and graphic video contains interviews with experts, parents and victims. Dramatic recordings of actual 911 calls made by desperate family members—and even by a killer himself—convey the chilling reality behind today's headlines. Here is the shocking truth underlying the current wave of violence devastating our homes, schools and communities.
This is the story of the high-income partnership between drug companies and psychiatry which has created an $80 billion profit from the peddling of psychotropic drugs to an unsuspecting public.
But appearances are deceiving.
How valid are psychiatrist's diagnoses—and how safe are their drugs?
Digging deep beneath the corporate veneer, this three-part documentary exposes the truth behind the slick marketing schemes and scientific deceit that conceal a dangerous and often deadly sales campaign.
Psychiatrists tell us that the way to fix unwanted behavior is by altering brain chemistry with a pill.
But unlike a mainstream medical drug like insulin, psychotropic medications have no measurable target illness to correct, and can upset the very delicate balance of chemical processes the body needs to run smoothly.
Nevertheless, psychiatrists and drug companies have used these drugs to create a huge and lucrative market niche.
And they've done this by naming more and more unwanted behaviors as "medical disorders" requiring psychiatric medication.
But should these really be called diseases?
So the question is:
How did psychotropic drugs, with no target illness, no known curative powers and a long and extensive list of side effects, become the go to treatment for every kind of psychological distress?
And how did the psychiatrists espousing these drugs come to dominate the field of mental treatment?
Psychiatrists claim a history of great advances in the area of psychotropic drugs. But is this parade of brain chemicals the "scientific breakthroughs" they assert?
Sigmund Freud's early drug marketing efforts helped create a major cocaine epidemic throughout Europe.
Psychiatrists next turned to amphetamines until those drugs were discovered to be not only ineffective, but highly toxic and addictive.
Years later, the world was told that "antidepressant" drugs were actually "lifestyle drugs" for a choose your mood society. Yet within ten years, staggering details of side effects such as violence and suicide could no longer be ignored—with an estimated 3.9 million adverse events on Prozac alone.
Today, the same cycle continues, with breathless news coverage of new chemical treatments promoted as "miracle drugs."
Two questions remain—where is the science that backs psychiatry up?
And how much longer will the public continue to believe false hopes, hype and outright lies?

yanik 10.05.2012 01:57

Mad in America
http://www.meditopia.org/images/mad_america.jpgProgram ID
Public Affairs Event
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
First Aired
May 12, 2002
Last Aired
Jun 16, 2002
Airing Details
Show http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/169969-1

yanik 13.05.2012 05:40

Барбара Кингсолвер. Америка. Чудеса здоровой пищи
Подлинная история простой американской семьи, которая решила поставить весьма смелый эксперимент: прожить целый год, питаясь исключительно теми продуктами, что произведены в их регионе.

Год издания: 2010
Страниц: 416
Формат: RTF, FB2
Язык: русский

Скачать книгу (7,39 МБ): http://www.cwer.ru/node/282397/

yanik 16.05.2012 16:54

[QUOTE=yanik;40649]Dying To Have Known

'' In DYING TO HAVE KNOWN, filmmaker Steve Kroschel went on a 52-day journey to find evidence to the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy — a long-suppressed natural cancer cure. His travels take him across both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, from upstate New York to San Diego to Alaska, from Japan and Holland to Spain and Mexico. In the end, he presents the testimonies of patients, scientists, surgeons and nutritionists who testify to the therapy's efficacy in curing cancer and other degenerative diseases, and presents the hard scientific proof to back up their claims. You will hear from a Japanese medical school professor who cured himself of liver cancer over 15 years ago, a lymphoma patient who was diagnosed as terminal over 50 years ago as well as noted critics of this world-renowned healing method who dismiss it out of hand as "pure quackery." So the question that remains is, "Why is this powerful curative therapy still suppressed, more than 75 years after it was clearly proven to cure degenerative disease?" The viewers are left to decide for themselves. ''

-some related links..

'' There are a number of excellant documentaries on the subject of natural cancer treatment. One of the better ones I've seen, is a movie called, "Dying To Have Known".

Filmaker Stephen Kroschel was awarded "Honorable Mention" in the "Feature-Length Documentary" Category, 2006, New York International Independent Film and Video Festival, for his efforts.

The initial stimulation for tackling this project, came to Stephen Kroschel through an earlier statement by Charlotte Gerson (daughter of the famous Dr. Max Gerson) when she said ... "It is a scientifically verifiable fact, that the Gerson Therapy cures cancer as well as almost every other chronic, degenerative disease"

Kroschel could not fully accept
that statement by Charlotte Gerson,
without first doing further research, himself. '' http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title..._to_have_known

yanik 16.05.2012 17:45

Animal Protein -- Meat and Dairy -- Cause Cancer
Celebrated Cornell University professor T. Colin Campbell Phd, presents the overwhelming evidence showing that animal protein is one of the most potent carcinogens people are exposed to.

This is the FULL 45 MINUTE talk from Dr. Campbell's appearance at the 2005 VegSource Healthy Lifestyle Expo.

yanik 16.05.2012 18:12

Осторожно, молоко! (русские субтитры)
Интервью с доктором Т. Колином Кэмпбеллом,
профессором биохимии питания, автором книги "Исследование Китая", которая считается
самым всесторонним анализом роли питания в развитии болезней. http://rutube.ru/tracks/2301561.html

yanik 16.05.2012 18:24

Диета и здоровье - часть 1 из 3 (субтитры на русск...
"Исследовани е Китая" доктора Т. Колина Кэмпбелла, считается самым всесторонним
исследованием роли питания в болезнях
и здоровье из всех, что когда-либо проводились. http://rutube.ru/tracks/1622524.html

yanik 16.05.2012 19:05

T. Colin Campbell (PhD): It Is Time That Nutrition Be Taken Seriously
Talk at the 2011 World Vegetarian Festival Weekend, Oct 1 & 2 in San Francisco California. Sponsored by the San Francisco Vegetarian Society.

yanik 16.05.2012 19:08

Food That Kills - Full Documentary
Presented by: Dr. Michael Klaper

Official Website for Dr. Michael Klaper

Forks Over Knives
See the full documentary FREE online - http://www.sprword.com/videos/forksoverknives/

Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof

Explore the consequences of a meat (animal based) diet. Are we really designed to be omnivores OR does a plant based diet suit us best?
*** Herbivore vs. Carnivore - You be the judge ! ***

Great websites for helping you transfer from a meat based to a plant based diet.

How science and medicine have betrayed you

Dr. John McDougall


NOT Milk

yanik 16.05.2012 19:16

Are Humans Designed To Eat Meat?
A presentation by Milton Mills, M.D..

The major causes of death in Western countries are cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Abundant medical research linking these diseases to dietary and lifestyle factors, guidelines advanced by the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and the Surgeon General, among others, counsel Americans to sharply reduce animal foods consumed and replace them with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In effect, they are recommending a more plant-based diet, which begs the question: Are humans designed to eat meat?

Milton Mills, M.D. has an extensive background in nutrition research, focusing on the role nutrition plays in the development of chronic diseases. He is a graduate of the Stanford University School of Medicine and is a practicing physician in the Washington, D.C. area. He also serves as the Associate Director of Preventive Medicine for the health policy group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. He has lectured extensively throughout North America and is a Nutrition Health Education Video Spokesperson for the Discovery Health Channel.

Filming and editing by Dr William Harris M.D. on November 12, 2005 at McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Beach Park, Honolulu, Hawaii
Sponsored by: Vegetarian Society of Hawaii http://www.vsh.org

yanik 16.05.2012 20:30

Stop Cancer Before It Starts
A presentation by Michael Greger, M.D..

Up to 70% of all cancer deaths are preventable through diet alone. In this dynamic and engaging multimedia presentation, Dr. Michael Greger reveals the top whole plant superfoods that may block and even reverse tumor formation. Learn what free radicals and antioxidants really are and exactly how they work to protect your body from the ravages of aging, cancer, and other chronic degenerative diseases. Profiling specific cancers such as breast and prostate, Dr. Greger shows how a phytonutrient rich plantbased diet may be our best protection against the cancer epidemic.

A founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Michael Greger, M.D., is a physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. He has lectured at the Conference on World Affairs, the International Bird Flu Summit, the National Institutes of Health, testified before Congress, and was invited as an expert witness in the defense of Oprah Winfrey in the infamous "meat defamation" trial. He is a graduate of Cornell University School of Agriculture and Tufts University School of Medicine. Currently, Dr. Greger serves as the Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at The Humane Society of the United States.

Filming and editing by Dr William Harris M.D. on April 13, 2005 at Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse, Honolulu, Hawaii
Sponsored by: Vegetarian Society of Hawaii http://www.vsh.org

yanik 17.05.2012 17:05

You Are What You Eat: Food & Identity in the 21st Century
A presentation by Scott Owen Snarr.
In a fast-changing world our archaic notions about eating are leading us to make food choices that have disastrous consequences. In this entertaining and eye-opening presentation Scott Owen Snarr topples our common assumptions about food and explores the surprising reasons why people eat meat. Drawing on social science and anthropology, he explains how one's food choices are closely tied with one's identity, gender, values, and cultural environment. Scott proposes that by understanding and meeting the social, psychological, and cultural needs of meat eaters -- rather than by denying them -- we can offer not only alternative foods, but new ways of thinking about food that will satisfy everyone. Whether you're a committed carnist, a lifetime vegan, or anything in between, after hearing this presentation, you'll never look at food in the same way again.
Scott Owen Snarr is editor of and a regular contributor to The Island Vegetarian, the newsletter of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Family Resources from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where he founded the Vegetarian Club during his junior year. A vegan for over sixteen years, Scott currently lives and teaches English in Taichung, Taiwan. He is also a freelance writer and editor.
Filming and editing by Dr William Harris M.D. on August 9, 2011 at Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse, Honolulu, Hawaii
Sponsored by: Vegetarian Society of Hawaii http://www.vsh.org

yanik 17.05.2012 17:33

Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar -- Physically Addictive
Neal Barnard MD discusses the science behind food additions. Willpower is not to blame: chocolate, cheese, meat, and sugar release opiate-like substances. Dr. Barnard also discusses how industry, aided by government, exploits these natural cravings, pushing us to eat more and more unhealthy foods. A plant-based diet is the solution to avoid many of these problems. Neal Barnard is the founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).

This is Dr. Barnard's COMPLETE presentation from the VegSource HEALTHY LIFESTYLE EXPO 2003.

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